Mostafa ElguerdawiXSS & IDOR & CSRF to ATOHello hackers I’m Mostafa Elguerdawi,Jul 19, 2024Jul 19, 2024
Mostafa ElguerdawiJavascript Analysis to SQL injectionHi Hackers, I’m Mostafa Elguerdawi.Dec 4, 20235Dec 4, 20235
Abdelrhman Allam (sl4x0)IDOR | My first P2 that Lead to Full PII Exposure.بِسْم اللَّه الرَّحْمن الرَّحِيم . . اللَّهمَّ صَلِّ وَسلَّم وبارك على نَبِينَا مُحمَّدSep 27, 20234Sep 27, 20234
Mostafa Elguerdawi2FA Bypass via Reset PasswordHello I’m Mostafa Elguerdawi in this write-up I’ll explain how could I bypass 2fa.Sep 12, 20232Sep 12, 20232
Mostafa ElguerdawiBFLA Lead to Delete Any User in The SystemHello I’m Mostafa Elguerdawi, This Write-up about one of my recent reports I will explain how I find it from zero, So Let’s start.Sep 11, 20237Sep 11, 20237
Mostafa ElguerdawiHow I got RXSS from ShodanHello All I’m Mostafa Elguerdawi, In this writeup I will explain how I get RXSS using shodanSep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
Mostafa ElguerdawiXSS&RCE Via File Uploadin this write up i’ll explain how i get stored XSS and RCE Via File upload.Oct 7, 20221Oct 7, 20221
Mostafa ElguerdawiLeakage of credential data for full control over the target.Hello everyone, it has been a whole year since I first discovered a vulnerability, so I have decided to publish an article about it.Jul 3, 2023Jul 3, 2023